Wot Brothers In Arms

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The tier 7 British premium tank destroyer AT-15A is a somewhat rare sight to see(at least on the NA server) despite it being a solid premium tank. The AT-15A has a nice blend of armor and firepower but lacks in mobility which might turn off some people from purchasing it. Despite it being a tier 7 premium the overall profits from this tank is quite good due to the low repair and it’s AP shells only costing 100 credits a piece. This guide/review will go over the positive and negative aspects of this tank as well as general tactics to use while driving one.

Wot Brothers In Arms

The main focus of the AT-15A is it’s armor since it sports quite a deal of armor for a mere tier 7 tank destroyer. Frontally the flattest areas of the AT-15A are 229mm thick on the hull and the mantlet areas are 203mm at their thinnest areas. This leads to this tank being a monster if the person firing at you does not know where to aim and also if you are mid to long ranges. As the top tank you can plow directly into anything in your way with little fear of sustaining to much damage and even against tier 8’s you can shrug off most shells. The side armor is also fantastic is the side of the casemate 152mm and the track areas hovering around 130mm of effective armor. The main “weak spot” you would think would be the rear but in this case the armor is still over 100mm thick so low tier tanks will still struggle with dealing with you while higher tiers will tear you to shreds.

Damage wise the AT-15A does not look impressive at all since it’s gun only does 150 average damage at tier 7. It does however have great accuracy/aim time coupled with a base rate of fire of 14.55 rounds per minute. This translates to 2,192 damage per minute with a 100% crew, brothers in arms, rammer, and ventilation which puts it in the middle of the pack in terms of DPM for tier 7 tank destroyers(top guns). While this might be a slight downside since you have low average damage and also no clear advantage in DPM the armor makes up for some of the gun’s downsides.

Windows 7 photo editor free. A zero skill crew is a crew member that has been trained with the Brothers in Arms (BiA) or Sisterhood of Steel (SoS) perk, at no experience cost. (Brothers in Arms was combined to work with Sisterhood of Steel in update 9.19). To understand what that means you need to understand how crews accumulate training. Brothers in Arms - what does it do? - posted in Gameplay: First some facts: -Brother in Arms -perk is only activated when all crew members have it trained to 100% -It stays active even if a crew member is knocked out.If active, it increases the primary skill of each crew memeber by 5% (stacks with ventilation and consumables) -The 5% increase in primary skills corresponds to roughly 2.3%. Dec 19, 2016 1st part: Crew Skills and Perks Resetting 2nd part: Brothers-in-Arms perk.Note that my microphone had issues with volume, you will need to turn up the volume. Edit: woo hoo! I got my sound driver.

This World of Tanks equipment guide will touch on what each piece of equipment in World of Tanks does and whether or not it is worth putting on your tank. To find specific equipment load-outs for a certain tank hop over to the tank guide/review section which will cover equipment for specific tanks listed there.

Penetration wise comes a small problem of having 171mm of penetration for the AP shell which requires aiming much more carefully than other tank destroyers with higher penetration. The penetration is enough to deal with any tier 6 and lower tank but when dealing with any tier 7+ tank destroyers/heavy tanks you will need to aim carefully. The APCR shell bumps up the penetration to 239mm which is enough to deal with any tank you come across. Sticking with AP the majority of the time is recommended since the AP shells only cost 100 credits a piece while APCR costs 2800 credits a piece which will greatly cut into the profitability of this tank.

If you enjoy fast and mobile tanks then the AT-15A is not for you. The armor comes at a price since the speed limit on this tank is capped at 20 km/h which is only hit going slightly downhill. The average speed hovers around 14-16 km/h and accelerating is not as good as you may want. Climbing hills as you could imagine is a slow and grueling process but at least you are faster than a T95! Even with the low overall speed this tank does not feel to sluggish when it comes down to it. Moving around the map might take a little longer but I do not find myself not being able to get places like a T95 or TOG II*.

Traversing also does not seem ‘fast’ by any means since it is only listed at 24 degrees/second which is not very high. However due to the wide arc of the gun some of that lack of traverse speed is negated since you can aim left/right much further than most tank destroyers.

Equipment wise I run a rammer, ventilation, and coated optics. The rammer and ventilation will boost the DPM of your gun so that you aren’t left relying on your armor to much. Some will argue that running with a camouflage net(for sniping) or a spall liner(to negate SPGs) for the third equipment but I disagree. The AT-15A first off is not a tank to sit behind a bush and plunk away at people from a distance due to the low penetration of you gun. Also, the armor is very thick all across the tank meaning that a spall liner while somewhat useful isn’t as needed since damage from HE/SPGs is already lower than other tanks.

Coated optics will help out in a few areas since the AT-15A is a tank destroyer you will be pushing across the map and leading charges to soak up shots. Since you will be moving for most of the battle coated optics will always provide the added bonus of view range to your adequate 350m base view range. Equipping binoculars will not go well since you need to stay still for them to work and optics will provide you with a bit more advanced warning of any unseen foes heading towards you attempting to flank you. Nothing is worse than leading a push in front of your allies only for you to get tracked by an invisible tank and you not lighting them up due to them being 10m outside your spotting distance.


Some other small aspects of the AT-15A which were brought up earlier deal with the cost of ammunition and the gun arc. The ammunition of this tank is dirt cheap and you will often find yourself paying 2k-3k of an ammunition bill which is nearly unheard of at tier 7 along with a repair bill between 500-2500 credits. So while the AT-15A does not make as much credits compared to tier 8 premium tanks it does make a very good overall profit due to the low repair/ammunition cost(just stay away from APCR). The gun traverse/gun arc is also excellent and you can aim much further left/right than most tank destroyers without having to move your hull. This allows you to shoot around corners better and prevent people from flanking you as easily.

Gun depression and elevation wise is nothing note worthy and both are just average and do not harm the AT-15A in any way in hilly areas of the map. Matchmaker is preferential and the AT-15A does not see tier 9 games. This covers up some of the gun’s lack of alpha damage and penetration.

Earlier was mentioned playing the At-15A as a front line tank destroyer although it is slow and without a turret. Due to the massive amount of overall armor combined with a gun that needs to be semi-close to enemies to negate its somewhat lacking penetration it excels in this role. Plan a general route at the beginning of the game that will allow you to help push your team’s force forward into areas that you can soak up shots while spotting for your allies safely behind you. Your teammates will prevent any flankers from ruining your day while you chug into the enemy chipping away at their HP along the way. Taking small pot shots then moving forward in between shots works out very well and then when you get within 150m of an enemy you can simply drive forward and shoot without stopping. The on the move accuracy isn’t “great” by any means but due to your low speed it isn’t bad enough to where you need to stop to aim while at close to mid ranges.


The mobility of the AT-15A isn’t stellar so keeping an eye on the mini map of how the other flanks are doing is a must. It will take longer for you to shift over to help a flank out or to return to base to reset it so planning a minute ahead is crucial. For slow tanks I always strongly advise learning how to foresee the enemy movement 1-2 minutes before everything unfolds. This comes with time and learning how each map and team composition works but the AT-15A is forgiving in that even if you get stuck in bad spots your armor will shrug off a lot of incoming shells.

Along with learning how to predict enemy movements it is also a good idea(if you aren’t already) to learn the weak spots of any decently armored tank from tier 6-8. Since you will be facing these tanks quite a lot in this tank it is very helpful to know where to aim so that you can fire the cheap 100 credit AP shells instead of the 2800 credit APCR shells. One little trick to use is to abuse your gun traverse(left/right movement) around corners. You can hide 75% of your tank and angle yourself around the corner without actually exposing the side of your tank as you firing around the corner. The enemy will only be able to shoot at your strongest points of your armor with no weak spots at all to go through.


Excellent frontal, side, and rear armor

Decent DPM for a premium tank


Gun traverse/arc

Low AP shell and repair costs

Good overall profit


Wot Commander Skills

Low damage per shot

Wot Recon Skill

Low AP shell penetration

High premium round(APCR) cost for only 150 damage.

Below average mobility

While the AT-15A does have some downsides in the mobility and gun department it makes up for it in other areas. This is clearly not a tank for those who cannot stand slow tanks but for those who do or wish to try one this is a great tank to do so in. Not only does it have excellent armor with small weak spots but the profitability is also great. Overall I give the AT-15A a 4/5 and recommend it to anyone who is looking for their next(or first) premium tank.

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Features‎ > ‎

Command Mod


  1. 1 The Essential Brothers in Arms Experience
  2. 2 Tactical Gameplay
  3. 3 Advanced Commands and Strategies
    1. 3.4 Waypoint Mode

The Essential Brothers in Arms Experience

With the Command Mod, you will be able to give more advanced orders to your squad. In addition, there are many improvements to certain features of the game that make the atmosphere even more engaging and realistic.
  • Soldiers are better at finding cover.
  • Much more combat dialogue from US and German troops. There are about two dozen recorded phrases by each actor that were never implemented in the original games, until now.
  • Grenades will be thrown more often and more accurately by AI soldiers, whom will also pick them up and throw them back at the enemy. Some soldiers will even dive on grenades to save their comrades.
  • Some new animations, including command gestures and wounded soldiers limping.
  • Even more stuff that I've currently forgotten about but is still awesome nonetheless.


If you find that the new commands with the CommandModmutator are too challenging to use or are a distraction, you should still use CommandModBasicmutator instead. CommandModBasic has all of the benefits listed above without the advanced commands.

Tactical Gameplay


New Command Ring

When you are using the Command Ring with the Command Mod, the ring will be shown on the object you're looking at, instead of the ground beneath it. This should make it easier to order your squad to faraway cover, when the ground isn't visible.
Also, using the Switch Weapon key while holding the command ring (see below) will switch to a 'move-only' alternate command mode, where the target ring will not appear even when the ring is on an enemy unit. This allows you to give a move order to an area that is near enemies, whereas the old command ring might only give you the option to just fire on them.
And finally, the new ring fixes a problem that made it difficult to order your squad to target an enemy that you couldn't see when the suppression indicators were turned off. Now you can easily give targeting orders without leaving cover, even on Authentic.
NOTE: Remember to press the 'Use/Reload' key to cancel Waypoint Mode if the Command Ring won't go away after giving an order.

New Cameras and Cutscenes

You can peek over walls now by holding the Crouch key for a couple of seconds. You will have a third person view from just behind Baker's (or Red's) helmet. This allows you to survey the battlefield and give orders without having to get your head shot off.
When a soldier from either side dives on a grenade to save his friends, you'll get to watch a quick cutscene of the heroic action.

As described below, double-click the Fire while you are ordering and Assault to watch the assault from a new angle.

Mantling Over Walls

Simply walk up to an obstacle or low wall, and while still pressing the Forward key to move into it, press the jump button to climb over or onto it.

Smoke Grenades

To throw a smoke grenade (if you have one), press and hold the Grenade key, and instead of a frag grenade, you will throw a smoke grenade instead. See the Smoke Grenade section for more information.

Advanced Commands and Strategies

Order your men to follow waypoints, pick up enemy Panzerfausts, man German MGs, maneuver silently under cover, widen their formation, assault tanks, and throw grenades (frag and smoke). It's up to you to determine when to use these to maximize your strategic advantages.
NOTE: Please read the section below about Waypoints if the Command Ring won't disappear after giving orders.

Assaulting Tanks

Your Assault Team now has the capability to Assault Tanks. They must have a strategic advantage or they will refuse the order (usually in a humorous way). At minimum, you need two soldiers still alive with at least one grenade, and either the tank must already be seriously damaged or the team must have a Panzerfaust. If the assault fails, the team will attempt to flee to their previous location.

New Command Descriptions

Squad will stay low, hold their fire, and remain silent while moving
Squad will move a little beyond the ordered location and widen their formation. Use this to move your squad to an area that you can't see because of some obstruction, or to occupy a building.
A squad member will throw a grenade at the area or target.
Toggles a move-only Command Ring that will not target enemies.
Squad will spread out, looking for cover in a larger area.
Cancel all queued waypoint orders, dismount any machine guns, halt, tighten formation, and find cover.

How to Give Orders

Demonstration of Commands

The new orders simply use new combinations of keys and the command ring. For example, just like the Assault order where you hold the command ring over a target and press Fire, the Grenade order has you holding the command ring over a target and pressing the Grenade key.

While holding the Command Ring over a Location (not a Target):
Maneuver Under Cover: press Melee
Grenade: press Grenade

While holding the Command Ring over a Target:
Assault (and view Assault Camera): double-click Fire
Smoke Grenade: press and hold Grenade
Cancel Command Ring: press Use

Advanced Commands (no Command Ring):
Widen Formation: while holding Fall Out, press Fire
Peek Over Cover (Third Person): press and hold Crouch
More Advanced Commands (with Command Ring):
Man the MG: give a move order to a machine gun's location. You should see a special 'cannon' icon above the Command Ring.
Pick Up Panzerfaust/Bazooka: give a move order to a dropped Panzerfaust or Ammo Box. You should see a 'Panzerfaust' icon above the Command Ring.
Ordering waypoints gives you the ability to maneuver your squad around large areas while staying behind cover. You can queue up and combine almost any type of order. For example you could order your team to Pick Up Panzerfaust, then Maneuver Under Cover to a new location, and then Assault the enemy from the new position.
Waypoint Mode is activated by tapping the Command button quickly, instead of holding it for a bit and releasing it as you would with a normal move order. When you are in Waypoint Mode, the Command Ring will stay onscreen, and any orders you give in this mode will be queued up after the current orders list.

Canceling Waypoint Mode

  • Press and hold the Command button. The order you give while holding the Command button will be the last in the queue.
  • Press the Use key. Current waypoints for the squad will still be carried out.
  • Press the Fall Out key. All waypoints will be cancelled.
If you really can't stand Waypoint mode, and it keeps activating unintentionally, you can disable it permanently by editing your User.ini file. See the ReadMe for instructions on how to do this.